Every implementation of a new technology changes the course of history forever. As cultures accept innovation, the solutions that are implemented completely rewrite the daily lives of everyone in that society. With this in mind, we can observe the drastic impact that the printing press had in history and today.
In 1440’s Germany, Johannes Gutenberg used a screw press complemented by other features to assemble the first printing press. The first rendition allowed for any assortment of letters and symbols due to its basis on matrices.
This design produced by Gutenberg was not the first stab at print, as there had already been woodblock printing as designed by Eastern Asian civilizations. However, woodblock print was not efficient in time or volume.
The Gutenberg press resolves these issues, as it could mass produce books due to its mechanized nature. With its debut, the Gutenberg printing press created a 42-line bible, meaning each page had 42 lines of content. This revolutionized technology at the time, yet was not immediately accepted as so.
Society was used to manuscripts, where writing was done by hand. As manuscripts were socially acceptable, it moved the authors into the upper class. As such, the upper class rejected the printing press, moving it into the hands of the lower class. The lower class had a different perspective than the upper class, seeing the printing press as a great way to mass produce writing. As the lower class was large in size, this would be beneficial for all of them, as books would be more accessible. This demand for mass printing by the lower class was due to the creation of the printing press.
By learning about the history of the printing press, we can observe how it had a massive impact on the world today. The implementation of a mass printing device has become integral in the literary world. Today, books are distributed fast and in mass.
This growth in printing inspires a larger pool of readers, as it is easier to collect works. There is a greater amount of copies of writings, with an ample supply for the demand in question. So, an individual can collect a diverse portfolio of books or pieces, expanding their knowledge and basis for intellectual growth. Similarly, with more readers, there became more writers. The ease of mass distribution allows for an author to spread their message on a scale larger than ever before.
A unique finding from the printing press was the lack of evidence for macroeconomic growth due to its creation. There is no proof that the printing press shifted economic growth in any way, as read about here. However, at a closer look, one can conclude that the printing press influenced growth in humanities, such as writing, reading, and human capital. This perspective is more inclusive of the impact the printing press had in all regards, thus including economics.
By looking at the history and impact of the printing press on the world, we can better understand how technologies shape communication and society. As a new form of faster and easier communication is introduced, the people of a community will adopt it. The new forms of communication will overtake the old form, thus making a new reality.